Viktor Schreckengost and Elephant Sculptures at Cleveland Zoo

Viktor Schreckengost was a Cleveland artist, teacher and industrial designer who was credited with producing the cab-over-engine design for trucks and buses that allows for greater towing length and a tighter turning radius. The little red metal wagons that so many children use were also Schreckengost's brainchild.

His beloved giant sculptures of elephants at the Pachyderm Building of the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo are shown below:

Viktor Schreckengost and Elephant Sculptures at Cleveland Zoo

Viktor Schreckengost passed away while visiting family in Florida on January 26, 2008 at the age of 101. An artist to the end, he had designed his own headstone.

Viktor Schreckengost, Master of Product Design, Dies at 101. NYTimes.
Viktor Schreckengost has died at age 101. Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Viktor Schreckengost, from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Career Produced an Elegant Design For Myriad Household Products. WSJ.
Viktor Schreckengost, Industrial Designer, 101. NY Sun.

Is That a TV Anchor Shoveling Elephant Poo? The Roar Report Blog, 07/2008.
Cleveland Metroparks Zoo Moves Elephants to Columbus
Cleveland Zoo: The Pachyderm Building Has Closed, 09/2008.
Study Finds Elephants In Zoos Live Shorter Lives. NPR, 12/2008.
Cleveland Metroparks Zoo Announces Fifth Elephant for African Elephant Crossing (from Omaha)

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