McDonald's Potato, Beef, and Lettuce Suppliers (video)

 McDonald's Potato Supplier, Frank Martinez: "Dream Come True". Growing perfect potatoes takes the right amount of water, rich soil and, in Frank's case, a lifetime of experience.

In January 2012, McDonald’s began featuring flattering profiles of its suppliers on its website. In one video, Frank Martinez, a grower in Warden, Wash., brushes the dirt from a spud, slices it, and pronounces it a “good potato!”

McDonald's Beef Supplier, Steve Foglesong: "Raising Cattle and a Family". Three generations of Foglesongs work together every day to raise the kind of high quality beef that make some of the most iconic hamburgers in the world. If we raised all 100 million cows in U.S. on grass, cattle would require almost half the country’s land. Source: The Myth of Sustainable Meat - NYTimes

 McDonald's Lettuce Supplier, Dirk Giannini: "Field to Fork". Growing fresh, high-quality lettuce is more than a job. For Dirk Giannini, it's a family tradition.


"McDonald's Pursuit of the Perfect French Fry" - they sell 9 million pounds of fries each day

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