Plovdiv, Bulgaria (video)

Пловдив е един от най-старите градове в Европа -- началото му датира от 4000 години пр. Хр. Съвременният град е построен около седем хълма -- Пловдивските тепета, които са неразделна част от историята на града.

Plovdiv, Bulgaria is easily one of Europe's oldest cities. When did the earliest inhabitants settle? 4,000 BC.

The remains of a Neolithic settlement at Plovdiv suggest a history spanning 6,000 years for a city dominated by the Thracians, then the Macedonian Greeks, and then the Romans, who built it up into a significant conurbation. Ruins from this period are very much in evidence today: the ancient theatre of Philippopolis (Plovdiv’s name in antiquity) is in the city centre, as is the 2nd-century stadium, built to seat 30,000 spectators. The city was seized by the Ottoman Empire in the 14th century, and only freed after the Battle of Philippopolis in 1878.


Europe's oldest cities - Telegraph

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